Adrian Todd Zuniga
1 min readNov 15, 2017


Pay close attention to a handful of things:

  1. Trump’s breakneck pace to fill the courts with lifetime justices. Most recent one: 36, married to someone working in the White House, has never tried a case. Autocratic moves, many of these.
  2. Lying. It started with day 1, with crowd size. Now we talk about breaking of democratic norms constantly. Our president is a compulsive liar. That’s a long term effect. Autocratic move.
  3. The emptying out of the State Department. We are going to see the effects of this for years to come. Autocratic move.
  4. Hiring incompetent people to fill key positions. Check out the state of the USDA. Autocratic move.

Trump is the undoing of America as we know it, aided by a complicit GOP who say one thing publicly, and the privately try to pass legislation that hurts their constituents.

Should Hillary shut up? I mean, maybe? But don’t discount the deep, quiet, scary path that a man with no intellect (Trump) has put us on.



Adrian Todd Zuniga

is an award-nominated author (Collision Theory), award-winning director/screenwriter (HOLD ME, DON'T TOUCH ME) and the creator and host of Literary Death Match.