Adrian Todd Zuniga
1 min readJul 3, 2017


Oh, I get it. I’m an insecure know-nothing and you’re one of the guys who “gets it.” Keep believing that.

But to set two records straight:

  1. Your 30% rise-in-crime stat is bullshit (and, no, it’s not my job to prove you wrong, it’s your job to do any digging at all to get it right).
  2. You’ve flung enough insults at me to last awhile — and supposed loads of things based on zero knowledge of me, which I actually think is hilarious (as a person who creates things and enjoys criticism to better myself, I’m familiar with yays and nays). But the worst bit: your violent attitude towards liberals. Guess what? We’re Americans. And the benefit is we think conservatives are, too. We’re just disappointed that “you all” (see what I did there — used a tactic you’re familiar with) act like such constant jackholes while lacking any real interest in allowing society to thrive via a base understanding of civics. Enjoy your big, strong man president, so you can believe you’re a big, strong man, too. Pfft.



Adrian Todd Zuniga

is an award-nominated author (Collision Theory), award-winning director/screenwriter (HOLD ME, DON'T TOUCH ME) and the creator and host of Literary Death Match.