At the end of 2019 I decided to do two things:
1. keep track of every film I saw in 2020.
2. make a point of watching older films.
The pandemic + lockdown + the lack of new releases added up to make #2 way, way easier. Of the 122 films I watched, only 19 were released in 2020 (Now for my shameful, noteworthy admission: before 2020, I had seen LESS THAN 20 films released before 1975. I KNOW.)
With all that in mind, here are the 10 best movies I saw in 2020:
#10. PALM SPRINGS (2020)
The only 2020 movie in my top 10. It’s inventive, hilarious, surprising. It’s sweet, emotional, and short (90 minutes). A Groundhog’s Day for a new generation.
An astonishingly-written sports film from super-scribe Tarell Alvin McCraney. I put off seeing this for no good reason, and was blown away by nearly every sentence. Plus, it features one of…