Adrian Todd Zuniga
1 min readJul 3, 2017


Many of the responses here are so authoritarian and angry. It’s interesting that people voted for an unqualified president because they wanted change (same as when they voted for Obama), and instead of honestly considering reality, they lean on their instinct to CRUSH THE NAYSAYERS. American independence, as we’ve come to know it, is on a fulcrum, and the people who demean and damn those who want a better America, a thriving, prospering country, are part of the problem. But think themselves the solution. They believe if everyone shuts the fuck up, so we can get a wall built, everything will be fine. Sad days.



Adrian Todd Zuniga

is an award-nominated author (Collision Theory), award-winning director/screenwriter (HOLD ME, DON'T TOUCH ME) and the creator and host of Literary Death Match.