Adrian Todd Zuniga
1 min readJul 3, 2017


I just don’t buy it, sorry. Trump has said all of the things that have made people react to him the way they have. Should the media not show video of him saying “you can do anything…grab them by the pussy”? Should the media ignore when he says the health bill is “great” “really great” and “great” without seeming to have a clue what is in it? Should the media not cover when Trump says people at his rallies should “knock ’em out”? You have selective memory. The reality is: Trump said these things. The media covers his tweets because they range from menacing to dangerous to idiotic. With one blink of humor (his response to “covfefe”), which his surrogates then acted like was a purposeful thing. Come on, man.



Adrian Todd Zuniga

is an award-nominated author (Collision Theory), award-winning director/screenwriter (HOLD ME, DON'T TOUCH ME) and the creator and host of Literary Death Match.